Friday 8 October 2010

Improved Magazine Front Cover Mock Up

This is my improved version of my mock up magazine. i believe it looks a lot more professional then the first version i did. I changed many of the aspects that are on the average magazine front cover and that i did incorrect or badly on my first version of it. For example, there wasn't a background on the front cover and nothing stood out and you didn't know where to look first cause there was just a Masthead, a key image and lots of puffs and plugs that didn't stand out and all looked a bit un-coordinated. I added a background to portray some style on the magazine to the target market and i think that it makes the front cover look alot better. Another main thing i changed was the masthead. After researching existing sport magazines i found out that they all had very basic fonts for it. i realised this and changed mine to fit accordingly with other already existing magazines. It gave my front cover alot of depth and made it look alot more professional as the audience could relate to other magazines and how it looks just as good as one on the shelf in terms of using the basic elements that make a magazine front cover. I also moved the bar code as it used to be covered by writing which made it not able to be scanned and recognised if it was used and placed on the shelf of a supermarket etc. In addition to that i changed the fonts and font colour to all white and perfectly horizontal which some people may say is a bit plain and boring but i believe it has worked very well with the dark purple background and stands out well whilst also looking professional. The Key Image stands out alot more now because of the colour of the background and how it gets lighter towards the middle which makes the key image of Lionell Messi look like it's beaming away from him which makes him look so much better. I left one of the Plugs at the bottom of the front cover in red to let it stand out from the rest which could influence my target market to take more interest at looking at my magazine. Overall i think this improved version looks much more co-ordinated and professional compared to my first version of it and if abit more work was put into it to fix the little problems up it could be sitting on a shelf next to all the other magazines.

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