Monday 10 January 2011

Television and Representation

The most common forms of representation in our culture are those which serve the dominant interest. Dominant groups will often promote themselves as 'normal', and dismiss those groups who are seen as different and therefore abnormal. The position of dominant groups comes about through the complex forces of history, economics and social politics.
    It has been noticed that their is and has been a constant struggle between dominant groups' sustain of position and the sub-ordinate groups attempts to gain recognition and status. Nevertheless, the fact that the dominant groups often control environments where power can be contested and restributed.
   The Television tends to rely on the dominant views of gender roles and stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. Most broadcast and production companies are run by men or have institutional practices which have been set-up by years of male input and decisions. Through this kind of orginisation, dominate or accepter views of gender are continually reflected in the programmes that make it to our screens, in turn, the constant use of particular representations serves to naturalize them, therefore making them seem 'normal' and without alternatives.
Other ethnic groups
Middle class
Working class
Middle aged
The young/The old

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