Tuesday 8 February 2011

Research on Magazines

Whilst researching i found this page. This contents page is good as it has a good red and white spaced out house style and is appealing to any reader of the magazine. It splits the two main sections 'Features' and 'Regulars; which are very clearly displayed and easy to identify on the left had side of the page. This helps the reader to use the magazine and to find what they’re searching for with no complications. There are also clear pictures of things people might want to see or they recognise with the page number in the corner so you can flick to that page easily and efficiently. The words ‘Drummer’ in bold writing really draws in the reader to read the magazine as it backs up the idea of a cool and fashionable music magazine and is what the reader is looking for. Each feature has an individual name that entices the reader to look at that particular article as it says what exactly you will see in it, this is all done in just a few words. The small amount of information and just titles of the articles and is useful at enticing the regular buyers of the magazine as they now feel like they are part of the whole concept of the entire magazine. This contents page is also very easy to understand due to things like how well spaced apart the page which is done very well and won't confuse the reader as its very easy to read.

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