Monday 27 September 2010

Conventions and Audiences of Magazines!

I found out a lot of things about the conventions and the difference in audiences in magazines. The Brand Identity is a big selling point to a magazine, the more well known it is, the bigger the audience will be. Conventions like the 'Headline' is one of the most important ingredients on a magazine as it is one of the first things the audience see, i have found that in many magazines the 'Headline' is in front of the key image if they overlap. This is probably so that the magazine owner wants his title to be fully shown and therefore more well known in a way. Also the 'Headline' will be to do with what the magazines genre is which all helps in getting the company which owns the magazine a good revenue from it. The 'Key Image' is also a big selling point to a magazine and will draw alot of people in depending on what the image is, what the genre the magazine is and how it's presented. The 'Key image' is often sent to the back behind the 'Headline' but the main part of the 'Key Image' will always be shown generally fit to the whole front cover of the magazine, as well as this the if the 'Key Image' is a person then they will normally be in eye line with reader so that means they will be looking straight at the camera when the picture was taken. Other Conventions on the front cover of a magazine which are a big part of it are the 'Color Design' which can be a big part in attracting your audience to buy the magazine and the 'Font' is also a big factor on a magazine to attract its audience.

Advertisers use their own categories of people to define audience groupings, in addition to standard demographic groupings of age, gender, race and location. One of the Most Common is to divide or segment an audience in terms of their attitudes and psychological character:

  1. Suceeders - A person who wants products that increase their power and control in life.
  2. Aspirers - A person who wants products which improve their image and are fashionable.
  3. Carers - A person who wants to be seen as caring for others.
  4. Achievers - A person who is motivated by achievement. They are successful work-oriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They favour established products and services that show off their success to their peers.
  5. Radicals - A person who goes against traditional views and values.
  6. Traditionalists - A person who sticks to traditional views and values.
  7. Underachievers - A person who fails to achieve their potential, doesn't do as well as they expect.