Friday 8 April 2011

powerpoint evaluation

music magazine finished.

This is my finished front cover for my music magazine which i produced on software called Photo shop. i am really pleased with what i have made and i think it does look very professional because it has a lot of the conventions you find in magazines such as a main image, cover lines and puffs. i like the colour scheme which i have used on the front page and also the fonts are quite effective in making parts of the magazine stand out, for example 'REAL ROYALTY' and 'E X C L U S I V E'. The layout which i have used is also quite effective in making certain parts stand out. i have a box at the bottom of the front cover showing the most exclusive news in the magazine which could entice people to buy it. There is also a list of artists who have released new singles on the right hand side of the page which will make people want to buy the magazine if they like the artists which i have listed. There is a quote from another established music magazine which talks about the band on the front cover showing they are good as it says ' Best newcomers to the music industry' which is quite an achievement for these 4 guys.

This is my contents page for my music magazine and i am pleased with what i have made. The background of the magazine is working very effectively in making things stand out on the magazine and looks better then having the background just plain white as that is quite boring and would make the magazine look too plain. The layout of this contents page looks professional and has worked very well with the 2 small images at the bottom right, one small image in the top right and a larger image middle right. All these images have numbers which relate to the article to which they are numbered at. The colour scheme is similar to the front page and also works very well on this page. The fonts are clear and stand out when i want them to stand out e.g. the title 'REAL ROYALTY' is in gold to draw attention to it first instead of anything else also people relate the colour gold to the royal family which gives it a bit extra meaning. i have added effects to the pictures to help them blend in with the magazine so it looks more professional which is what i am aiming to make it. There is a features column and regulars column showing the content of the magazine.

This is my double page spread for my music magazine and is personally my favourite piece out of the front cover, contents page and this as i think it looks the most professional and i can't really find anything on it that i would change which shows i have done a good job in what i have made. The first page has 2 pictures on it, one of the whole team who work in making The Entity what it is becoming and one of the actual groups members, both of these pictures have effects on them which helps them to blend in to the background. There are lots of articles on this page which are all about The Entity and how they became a group, how to find them on Facebook,YouTube and also an article of questions which have been answered by the whole group. The second page of this double page spread has a picture of the band member who created the band 'Jack'with large font saying 'THE REASON FOR THE ENTITY' which i think looks very effective with the effects which i have put around it to make it stand out and not look plain.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Music Magazine

This is a rough layout for my music magazine double page spread which i made on microsoft publisher as i didn't have the right software at the time which was photoshop. i think even though i made this on publisher it looks quite professional and will look even more professional when i do re create it onto photoshop. i really like the layout which i have created on this double page spread and i think the final piece is going to look better then i think. The colour scheme is going to be the same as the front cover and the contents page when i do get round to creating it on photoshop.

Music Magazine

This is a rough copy of my music contents page for my magazine as i didn't have a computer at the time that had the right software which i needed which was photoshop. I made this to make creating the contents page on photoshop a lot quicker as i already had a good  idea of what i wanted to create in terms of pictures, layout etc. The colours are not portrayed well on this page as the contents page that i make on photoshop is going to have the same sort of colour scheme as my front cover and the same with my double page spread.

Music Magazine

This is my music magazine when i created it on publisher becuase at the time i didn't have the technical equipment to use Photoshop. I like the layout which i have done and i like the colour scheme which i have. i have also used a lot of the aspects of most magazines such as plugs, cover lines and a strapline. Although this looks very basic at the moment when i re create it into photoshop it will look a lot more professional as i will have better software to use to give it the finishing touch.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD - i chose not to use this font because i thought that it is just a bit to basic and would  start to make the magazine look worse and not look as creative as i hoped it to be.
BRADLEY HAND ITC - This font is very different compared to the one above as it's a lot more swirly and i just think it could get hard to read and might put the reader/buyer of looking and then buying the magazine for such a small problem.
ERAS MEDIUM ITC. - This font is also quite basic and will just make my magazine look like every other magazine with this font which is not what i want as i am trying to create something different, something a bit more eye catching.
TEMPUS SANS ITC - I didn't use this font as i believe that even though it is the kind of font i was looking for it just looks a bit too scruffy and would put the reader/buyer of it,
CURLZ MT - This font is excentric for my magazine and i doubt you will ever see this font in magazines which is understandable because it is too curly and just wouldnt work in magazines as it would draw attention away from other aspects of the magazine which you want the reader to focus more on.
FREESTYLE SCRIPT - i dod not choose this font becuase the writing is really small compared to the other fonts and wouldn't work very well on the double page spread.
SNAP ITC - This font is just too wierd and bold for my magazine and is quite hard to read and would create problems, especially in the bigger articles within the magazine.
CALIBRI (BODY) - I chose to use this font for my magazine as i think that even though it's not the most creative out of my choice of fonts i really like it.  on the other hand it's also not the most boring of the choices of fonts, it's around the middle and is just what i was looking for to help in the creation of my college magazine.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

college magazine contents page.

This is my contents page that i designed and made for my college magazine. It has the normal sort of layout as most contents pages with Features and Regulars telling the reader a little bit about what is included in the magazine to try and convince them to buy it. i really like the layout i used with the features on the left hand side of the page and then the regulars on the right hand side of the page. i also put 3 pictures down the centre which have been edited and faded etc to add effect to each of them. i also put the bottom two at a bit of an angle to add a bit of character and dynamic effect so the page wasn't all straight and boring which most likely would not appeal to much readers. The collums of features and regulars i think have been layed out well and the two different shades of blue contrast eachother well on the page and also they overlap the photos that i took very well as you can still see the photo as both the collums are transparent so you can see through them. overall i like the contents page that i have made and i am pleased with the college magazine in general.